"... so that Fr. Aloysius become a motivation for greater holiness."
"The Present Crisis in the Church"
The Present Crisis in the Church*
by Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF
The present crisis in the Church is a result of a lack of proper spiritual formation in the seminaries, and because of that, priests today are not as they should be. This crisis is going to be much worse because, in the present day the seminaries, instead of being improved, are completely deteriorated, and the ones in charge of sacerdotal formation, sad to say but it is a fact, are the instruments of deformation of the future priests.
"The priest, by virtue of his vocation", in the expression of St. John Eudes, "is called to the highest dignity on earth, and therefore to the highest sanctity." This great Saint and great director of seminaries in his day, used to state this maxim many, many times to the seminarians and priests in his conferences or spiritual retreats.
I state that the crisis is going to be much worse because, since the Council of Trent, the seminaries have never been so corrupted as in the present-day. Pardon my expression, but this happens to be true. In most of the seminaries they have a disastrous misinterpretation of Vatican II, and I state this with all my conviction, after spending twenty-five years or more in the spiritual formation of seminarians.
As a house, to weather the storms, should have solid foundations and then properly built on them, likewise the seminarians, as future priests, should have a thorough and deep foundation in the purgative life which most of them don't have, and then led into the illuminative life by the most expert and holy spiritual directors of the diocese or congregation, and by the time of their ordination they should be entering fully the unitive life, because the priest is another Christ and should be one with Christ, not only in name, but in deed.
*October 19, 1971 - Fatima, Portugal
Notes on Faith
Notes of Faith for Novices
The Death of Fr. Aloysius' Mother
March 1, 1950
Dear Sister Agnes Joseph:
Your letter of February 22nd most welcomed, together with your Mass intentions, that received my immediate attention.
I was indeed very happy to hear from you and believe me I keep you always present in my prayers, especially at the Holy Mass. Do continue your great earnestness for holiness. Do a lot of meditative reading as you used to, because the Holy Spirit will speak to you more distinctly every day mostly while you are reading spiritual books.
Ask the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and your dear St. Joseph to give you their meekness and humility and transform you into their own spirit. Do foster unlimited confidence in God through uninterrupted prayer and a life of divine intimacy. Remain always as calm and peaceful as possible in order that the Holy Spirit may work freely in you. Read St. Gertrude and her revelations. This charming Saint will do you a lot of good.
I thank you very much for your prayers, and please keep on praying for me.
I would like to tell you about the passing of my dear mother, and commend her, also, to your prayers. Her passing was on January 30th at 9:00 p.m., and she was assisted by my brother Claretian, Rev. Father Joseph Mary. Her agony lasted three days, during which time she suffered heart attacks and paralysis on her right side, with cerebral hemorrhages. She was not afraid of dying, and spoke of death as one would speak of just going on a trip to another city, and did her best to cheer up her children and grandchildren. She was aware that she was going to die the beginning of this year and spoke of it to the family. During her last agony she grasped her Rosary with her left hand and the crucifix with a plenary indulgence toties quoties that was given to her as a remembrance by her sister, a Carmelite nun, who passed away two years ago. As she was deprived of speech during the last three days, when her children around her bed would finish a part of the Holy Rosary, she would raise her left hand and shake the Rosary so that they would start with another part. She did so constantly up to her death. When for one reason or another the Rosary would slip away from her fingers, since she had lost her sight, it was most edifying to see her move her hand around to look for her Rosary and for her crucifix. Once in a while she would lift her hand up to her neck to be sure that her scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel was still there. When they wanted her to kiss the crucifix, they had to force it from her hands to bring it to her lips; and then she would kiss it with all her love.
I intended to see her this coming May, but Our Lord wanted this sacrifice from me and I am glad to give it to Him for all His intentions. Indeed I feel very happy to make the sacrifice of not seeing her here on earth because Our Lord wanted it this way. She promised to help us from heaven and she is doing it already, because ever since she died - even before I knew that she was dead - I felt a great joy all around me, and the family wrote to me that, while they felt so much her death, they felt a deep peace of soul with her parting to heaven.
May this holy Lenten season be full of peace and happiness for you.